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Practice updates

Christmas & New Year 2024-25

These clinics will be by emergency appointment

Monday 23rd Dec 08.00-17.00

Tues 24th Dec 08.00-13.00, urgent access 14.00-18.00

Wed 25th & Thur 26th Dec CLOSED

Fri 27th Dec 08.00-13.00

These clinics will be by emergency appointment

Monday 30th Dec 08.00-17.00

Tues 31st Dec 08.00-13.00, urgent access 14.00-18.00

Wed 31st Dec & Thurs 1st Jan CLOSED

Fri 2nd Jan 08.00-13.00

Dundonnell Branch Surgery Dec 2024

Ullapool Medical Practice will hold branch surgery clinics in Dundonnell Community Clinic, Badcaul on the following dates

• Wednesday 18th December (NB not the 4th Wednesday)

Achiltibuie Branch Surgery Clinic Dates 2025

You can book an appointment for this clinic directly with the Reception team on 01854 612015, the GP may phone you before your appointment to ensure that they are prepared (for example if a particular medication or equipment item is required).

Ullapool Medical Practice will hold branch surgery clinics in Coigach Community Hall, Achiltibuie on the following dates in 2025

• Wednesday 8th January 2025

• Wednesday 12th February

• Wednesday 12th March

• Wednesday 9th April

• Wednesday 14th May

• Wednesday 11th June

Dundonnell Branch Surgery Clinic Dates 2025

You can book an appointment for this clinic directly with the Reception team on 01854 612015, the GP may phone you before your appointment to ensure that they are prepared (for example if a particular medication or equipment item is required).

Ullapool Medical Practice will hold branch surgery clinics in Dundonnell Community Clinic, Badcaul on the following dates in 2025

• Wednesday 22nd January 2025

• Wednesday 26th February

• Wednesday 26th March

• Wednesday 23rd April

• Wednesday 28th May

• Wednesday 25th June

Patient Information - serial prescriptions

The way that you order your regular repeat medications is changing and you will no longer need to order your repeat medication from the surgery. It will be ready to collect automatically at the pharmacy every 2 months

We have a patient information letter that can be found here if you would like more information. Those patients that we identify as suitable will be contacted by a member of our Pharmacy team

Changes to delivery of vaccination programme

Whether you are staying at home or heading abroad vaccines are here to keep you safe. They help protect you and your family from certain infectious diseases.

In the past those requiring a routine vaccination will have been invited to attend an appointment at your local GP Practice. As from 01 March 2023 most vaccinations will be delivered by the Health Board as part of a national vaccination transformation programme.

This will cover vaccines such as childhood vaccines including the primary immunisation course for infants and the pre-school booster, as well as adult vaccination programmes such as the shingles vaccine.

Dr Tim Allison, Director of Public Health for NHS Highland said: “How you get invited to attend for your vaccination is not going to change. You will still be invited by letter to make an appointment for vaccination but going forwards this may now be at a new local venue dependant on where you live.

“Our local Service Delivery Centre will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about your appointment and our teams in our locally run clinics will ensure everything goes smoothly on the day.”

Travel vaccinations have already begun to transition to health board delivery with a number of community pharmacies across Highland now carrying out this service.

Immunisation is one of the most effective public health interventions for preventing illness and deaths from infectious diseases and we would encourage you to attend for your vaccinations when invited.

Further information is available on the NHS Highland website.

How will I know when my appointment is?

You will receive a letter from NHS Highland with either a set appointment or advice to contact the Highland Service Delivery Centre (SDC) to make an appointment at a clinic location. The contact details for the SDC are 08000 320339 or

What do I do if I have a query about my appointment?

If you have a query about your appointment please contact the SDC on the details above and they will register the issue. The community teams will then be contacted to help investigate as needed.

What do I do if I have a clinical query about vaccinations?

If you have a clinical query please contact NHS Highland's Health Protection Team. The details for the Health Protection Team are 01463 704886 and the email address for the Health Protection Team is

Smoke Free Service - Skye, Lochalsh and Wester Ross Adviser

If you are seeking support to help you quit or cut-down to quit, please contact your local adviser. Free yourself from cigarettes and tobacco

Carol Mackenzie email: / 07768100022

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays

Weekly Wednesday 7pm, online informal chat