Patient Information - Serial Prescriptions
What is a serial prescription?
A serial prescription is just like a normal prescription except that repeats no longer have to be requested from the surgery. This means that your regular medication will automatically be ready to collect at your pharmacy when you are due for a new supply (usually every 4 to 8 weeks).
Why have my repeat medications been selected for serial prescribing?
You have been identified as having a long term condition which requires regular medication. As your medication(s) is/are quite stable and you regularly attend reviews, it has been decided by your GP surgery that it is appropriate for you to have a long term prescription for these items.
Will all of my medicines be on a serial prescription?
Some medications are not suitable for serial prescriptions. Examples of these include: medications that require special monitoring, controlled drugs, short-term medications, newly started medications, and medications that may require dose changes. These items will still need to be ordered from your GP or pharmacy as normal.
Will my ‘when required’ medicine be on my serial prescription?
Some medications such as pain killers or asthma relievers are only needed on a ‘when required’ basis. These medications can still be suitable for serial prescriptions. However, your pharmacy may not dispense these for you automatically each time your other regular medications are due.
It is advisable to let the pharmacy know if you will need these items before you are due to pick up your regular medications.
What if my medicines change?
If changes are made part-way through a serial prescription, your next serial prescription will be synchronised to ensure that all medications will need to be collected together.
What if I am going away on holiday?
Please let your pharmacy know 1-2 weeks in advance when you will be away and how long for. This will enable them to have your prescription ready in time.
Can I use other pharmacies?
Once your serial prescription is issued you can collect it and take it to any pharmacy. Whatever pharmacy you present your prescription at will be the same pharmacy you will collect from every 4/8 weeks for the duration of that prescription.
What happens when my serial prescription runs out?
Serial prescriptions usually allow for a period of supply of 56 weeks. Your pharmacy will send a message to your GP requesting a new serial prescription a month or two before it will run out. In this time your GP will review all your medications and may ask you to make an appointment for any monitoring or review that is required before issuing a new serial prescription